Art and literature have always been instrumental in awakening the unconscious souls, by
reinforcing the spirit of existence and creating pits to bury the laws of establishment. The
artists exhibit his emotions against fanaticism, bigotry, dictatorship, extortion and other acts
of atrocities through their artworks or words. Therefore, words do not only pierce through the
confined space, but they hit you hard where the wound never healed.
Category: Books
Ayn Rand & Me
We first met when my friend handed me the iconic book ‘The Fountainhead’. I wasn’t a literature person then; this friend was my only medium to peep into what I now call ‘Anatomy of thoughts’. Friends are people through whom you get a glimpse of the abandoned aspects of life. They introduce you to the…
Rationality of being Agnostic
In the words of Marx, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of the soulless condition. It is the opium of the people.” If religion is a system of dogma for the benefits of a particular sect than analysis has no value but if religion…
Women & Art
By Anushree Ghosh Women wear an artful camouflage – the signature curves, the smooth pastel strokes of luster on the skin and the coquetry behavior make them the muse for many. What goes unnoticed is the spiritual and intellectual inclination that has subdued itself over centuries of dictatorial patriarchy.The world famous artistic paintings have used…
Books, Movies and Some Random Philosophy
What is the most basic difference between books and movies? To me, movies have always been about watching someone’s life and books are about living that life. The essence of any book lies in the fact that I get an opportunity to imagine myself as a different person in a different set up, and analyze…